

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) – Being uprooted and forced to lose everything that was considered normal in your life is something many of us can’t even imagine. For Myriam, a young Iraqi Christian girl, and many like her, this is the reality.  Myriam, her family and many other Iraqi Christians have been forced to reside in a half-built mall in Northern Iraq.

They have lost their school and they have lost their churches, but many still remain in good faith. "We used to have a house and were entertained, where as here we are not," stated Myriam, to SAT-7, an Arabic-language TV network. "But thank God. God provides for us. God loves us, and wouldn’t let ISIS kill us." "I won’t do anything to them," Myriam expressed when asked what she thought of ISIS. "I will only ask God to forgive them."

With an open heart, Myriam admits that she too can forgive ISIS, regardless of being torn away from her home and forced to live in fear.

Others in similar situation as Myriam share the same perspective. They are left with little to no possessions after fleeing from ISIS, yet they are hopeful.

"Jesus will be with us, no matter where we go," expressed another young Iraqi Christian, Maryouma.