

Twitter Statistics From 2012

1. There were 175 million tweets sent from Twitter every day throughout 2012. (source: Infographics Labs)

2. The average Twitter user has tweeted 307 times. (source: Diego Basch’s Blog)

3. Since the dawn of Twitter, there’s been a total of 163 billion tweets. (source: Diego Basch’s Blog)

4. 56% of customer tweets to companies are being ignored. (sources: AllTwitter)

5. Barack Obama’s victory tweet was the most retweeted tweet ever with over 800K retweets. (source: The Guardian)

6. Top 3 countries on Twitter are the USA at 107 million, Brazil 33 million and Japan at nearly 30 million. (source: Jeff Bullas)

7. The average user follows (or is followed by) 51 people. (source: Diego Basch’s Blog)

8. The 2012 election broke records with 31.7 million political tweets. Election Day was by far the most tweeted about event in US political history. (source: Marketing Land)

9. 32% of all Internet users are using Twitter. (source: Marketing Land)

10. Twitter is projected to make a total of $540 million in advertising revenue by 2014. (source: Web Analytics World)

11. 69% of follows on Twitter are suggested by friends. (source: Web Analytics World)

12. In 2012, 1 million accounts have been added to Twitter everyday. (source: Infographics Labs)

13. Lady Gaga has 31 million followers, which is the most followed account on Twitter. (source:Socialbakers)

14. The most followed brand on Twitter is YouTube with 19 million followers. (source: All Twitter)

15. The USA’s 141.8 million accounts represents 27.4% of all Twitter users. (source: All Twitter)

16. The “Castle in the Sky” TV screening was the busiest time on Twitter ever with 25,088 tweets per second. (source: Sys-Con)

17. 11 accounts are created every second on Twitter. (source: Infographics Labs)

18. 50% of Twitter users are using the social network via mobile. (source: Microsoft tag)

19. 34% of marketers have generated leads using Twitter. (source: Digital Buzz Blog)

20. 26% of retweets are incited by a request to retweet. (source: Web Analytics World)