

The Khazens and the Maronite Church

The Khazen family have shown an unmatched affection like no other ever since they moved to Keserwan in the middle of the 16th century. They took charge of the spiritual, cultural and religious apostolic, and organizational affairs.


I- The Church Under The Patronage of the Khazens

When Chidiac Sarkis el Khazen moved to Bouar in the middle of the 16th century, he copied the manuscript of "Rich Karyan", which is an old lectionary of sundays and festivities written in Syriac or Karshuni. Later on, Cheikh Abdallah Fadl el Khazen reproduced a book called "Maraat Al Noufouss li 3amal al riyada" in 1727, and "The Book of Logic"  in 1731, and "Fassl Al Khitab" in 1733. As for Priest Youssef el Khazen, he copied "The Science of Intentions and the Method of Confession" in 1775. Other Khazen members who reproduced and copied old liturgy and religious books are Cheikh Ibrahim Khalil el Khazen (The Secret Masterpiece), Priest Estephan el Khazen (Rich Karyan) and Cheikh Ignatius el Khazen (The Sacred Book).  

Moreover and during the year 1647, Cheikh Abou Nawfal el Khazen inaugurated in the memory of his father Cheikh Abi Nader in Ajaltoun, a Church to honor Our Lady Mary under the name of Our Lady of Delivrance and he appointed a priest to hold the masses and pray in memory of his father. It should be noted that his action was risky at the time as Christians required a special permission from the Ottoman Sultanate to build churches and monasteries. This led the Ottoman authorities to come all the way from Beirut to Ajaltoun to check on the church and make sure no laws were not violated; however Abou Nawfal gave the Ottomans a warm welcome and convinced them that it wasn’t a church. In addition to building this church, Cheikh Abou Nawfal el Khazen always attempted to strenghten the Christian presence in Lebanon and the Maronites specifically in Keserwan. He helped the Maronite Patriarches, defended them and participated in their inaugural masses by the Pope in Rome. In return, the Maronite Patriarches seeked the Khazens’ advice in issues related to appointing bishops in the various parishes and in regards to social works and events. 


To be Continued …