
March 14 sources told NOW on Wednesday that President Michel Suleiman has proposed for the upcoming cabinet to include Hezbollah representatives without providing them with veto-power.

According to the sources, Suleiman’s proposal would offer eight ministries to the March 14 alliance, eight to the March 8, including Hezbollah representatives, and eight to representatives of the president, the Progressive Socialist Party and Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam.

“Salam has been embarrassed [by the president’s move] since Suleiman wants Hezbollah to be represented in government, even if that doesn’t entail providing it with veto-power,” the sources said.

They added that the March 14 coalition will request Hezbollah’s withdrawal from Syria and for its support for the Baabda Declaration, which calls for Lebanon’s neutrality in the Syria war and other regional conflicts, before agreeing to join the government. [Link]