Khazen is PROUD of our Lebanese ARMY – Under Leadership of President Michel Suleiman and General Jean Qahwaji, Support from PM Mikati and Tamman Salam and President of the Parliament Nabih Berre.


Assir You can RUN but You CANNOT Hide! from our Lebanese Army



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Sunni Muslim Salafist leader Ahmad al-Assir gestures as he speaks in his office in Abra, near Sidon, southern Lebanon, June 18, 2013.


Sunni Muslim gunmen, hold up their weapons as they roam the streets




Assir supporters gunman, fires his weapon expressing his support with Salafist leader Ahmad al-Assir in Tripoli, northern Lebanon, June 23, 2013



Assir gunman roams the streets expressing his solidarity with hardline Sunni cleric Sheikh Ahmed al-Assir


Assir gunmen and supporters of Salafist leader Ahmad al-Assir are seen with their weapons in Abra