

(Catholic Online) – Crowned Miss World 2013 at the Miss World Pageant in Bali, Indonesia, Young told interviewers that the way to avoid unwanted sex is to "just say no." In an interview on the Filipino news show, ANC Headstart, host Karen Davila asked Young last week about a controversial reproductive health law currently in limbo in the courts in the Philippines and related topics. "When it comes to the RH law, are you pro- or anti-RH?" Davila asked.

"Well, I’m pro-life and if it means killing someone that’s already there, then I’m against that, of course. I’m against abortion," Young said. As to contraception, Young said, "I don’t engage in stuff like that as of now. I think that’s – uh, sex is for marriage. That’s my belief. So, when it comes to the RH bill, as long as my beliefs are no abortion; it should be with your partner for life. Then that’s my stand."

Queried about divorce, young said "Divorce. I’m actually against divorce, because I’ve seen, of course, that in my family. So I think that if you marry someone, that should be the person you should be with forever, through sickness and health, through good and bad, you should be with that person."

In a change of pace, Davila asked, "Now, a woman as gorgeous as yourself, how do you say no to sex?" "You just say no," Young replied. "If they try to push you, then you step away because you know that that person doesn’t value you, doesn’t value the relationship as much – and if the guy is willing, you know, to sacrifice that, then that means a lot."

Passed and signed into law since 2012, the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act has faced legal challenges to its mandates on controversial products and services. As sterilization, contraception, and abortion-inducing drugs are all part of the act, the Supreme Court there delayed implementation of the law in early 2013 and re-emphasized the delay in August.

In the Philippines, about 80 percent of the population identifies as Catholic and 12 percent as Protestant; another five percent identifies as Muslim.