

BEIRUT: Palestinian mothers weep over the bodies of children, whose expressionless faces indicate their untimely fate. Israeli rockets strike three-story buildings, turning homes into rubble. These were the images broadcast across all eight Lebanese television channels Monday, in what may be the world’s first unified news bulletin in support of Gaza.


It was definitely the first time in the Arab world, and constituted a surprising move such highly partisan local media outlets. Regardless, Tele Liban, LBC, MTV, Al-Manar, Al-Jadeed, NBN, Future TV, and OTV broadcast a common report for their nightly newscasts to voice solidarity with Gaza against the Israeli offensive, which began approximately two weeks ago. The program, titled “Palestine, you are not alone,” began at exactly 8:10 p.m., and lasted for almost half an hour. It opened and ended with a patriotic poem by the iconic Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish. [Link]