

BEIRUT: “Fascination du Liban: 60 Siecles d’Histoire des Religions, d’Art et d’Archeologie” (Fascination of Lebanon: 60 Centuries of History on Religions, Art and Archaeology) is a massive exhibition ongoing at Geneva’s Rath Museum. The show is the fruit of a collaboration between the Lebanese Culture Ministry, the Directorate-General of Antiquities, the National Museum of Beirut and the Musees d’Art et d’Histoire de Geneve – Switzerland’s largest group of museums which includes the Rath.


The museum stages several temporary exhibitions each year, with the goal of exposing patrons to the work of different cultures. “Fascination” saw some 350 archaeological and art objects shipped from Beirut to Geneva. “This exhibition tells about the history and civilizations,” project curator Anne-Marie Maila-Afeiche told The Daily Star. “We wanted to give another dimension, than it being a simple display of objects.” The initiative dates from 2007 when Geneva was hosting a show on Gaza archaeology. [Link]