
Anti-Syria leader

The opposition, comprised of Christians, Druze and Sunni Muslims, was united in blaming Syria and the security agencies it backed for the assassination.

But with the last Syrian soldier leaving Lebanon 12 days ago, splits over the law organising a general election due to begin in three weeks are pulling the opposition apart.

Aoun has said members of his Free Patriotic Movement will contest the elections, although he has yet to announce any formal political alliances. The Maronite Christian leader has not said if he would run for parliament, however he has hinted he would consider the presidency.

Parliament had met on Saturday to review a letter from pro-Syrian President Emile Lahoud proposing a change to a law under which the polls between May 29 and June 19 would be held.

But the assembly rejected the letter outright and Speaker Nabih Berri adjourned the session without a vote on changing the electoral law, seen favouring pro-Syria candidates.