
The Lebanese interior ministry Tuesday announced an indefinite ban on motorbikes, provocative convoys, slogans or flag waving in the capital Beirut. "Motorbikes will be banned in Beirut effective at 1800 (1500 GMT) on May 27, 2008, until further notice," a statement said. The statement said that politically charged demonstrations such as "marches, regardless of their nature" and convoys "will be prohibited in Beirut" and sanctions taken against anyone breaking the law. It is common practice in Beirut for supporters of rival political factions to drive around the city waving party flags, blaring slogans on loudspeakers and shooting in the air.

The new bans came after clashes in Beirut between rival factions Monday night after a speech by Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Shiite militant group Hezbollah. The measures have been taken to "strictly control the security situation in the capital," the statement said. A security official told AFP motorbikes used for food delivery would also be affected by the ban. Hezbollah and its Shiite ally Amal issued a joint statement Tuesday calling on their supporters to put an end to the practices targeted by the new bans, saying they would "not provide political cover for them." They also urged security forces to take the necessary measures to enforce the bans.  Beirut – Supporters of Hezbollah fought with followers of Lebanon’s ruling majority near Beirut on Tuesday, leaving one Hezbollah follower and a Lebanese soldier dead, Lebanese security sources said. The army intervened after a private dispute escalated into an armed clash in the area of Armoun, 12 kilometres east of Beirut.

(RTTNews) – A Lebanese soldier was killed on Tuesday after being caught in the crossfire between Hezbollah supporters and pro-government loyalists in the village of Aramoun, south of Beirut, Lebanese security officials said. The soldier, identified later as Hussein Mohammed Janadin, was killed after Hezbollah supporters opened fire at two pro-government loyalists who sought refuge at the military post, where he was posted. The officials said that the soldier died on the way to the hospital and added that the two pro-government loyalists suffered fractures after being beaten up by the Hezbollah activists. Soon after the incident, Lebanese army arrested the people suspected of involvement in the gunfight, which led to the death of the Lebanese soldier, reported the local Al Bawaba news agency. Earlier on Monday, at least 16 people were injured in clashes between the Hezbollah and government supporters, which erupted after some Hezbollah supporters, cheering the Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah’ s speech, fired into the air injuring local people.