
Lebanon, Politics, (arabicNews)2/1/2005 The Lebanese prime minister Omar Karami welcomed the return back of Maj. Michael Aoun who opposes the Syrian presence in Lebanon and lives in his exile in Paris since 14 years.
In a press statement Karami held with his Syrian peer Naji Otari, Karami said that several invitations were sent to him since a while to come back to Lebanon, stressing his right to that. He added that despite the fact that there are legal obstacles impeding this measure, these can be removed legally, denying that there is any hostility against Aoun.

On Saturday, Aoun announced from Paris his intention to return back to Lebanon before the legislative elections in Spring, but he did not specify a date for his return back. He considered that the government has to correct the mistakes committed against him because the matter pertains, as he said, to personal accusation against him.

Aoun was summoned to be brought before the judiciary on February 2004 under the charge of “violating Lebanon’s relations with a friendly state” and “provocation of sectarian violence,” after he had supported the decision taken by the American Congress, known as “The Syria Accountability Act” which imposes sanctions against Damascus.

Aoun had presided the government of the military Christians before he was toppled in 1990 in a Syrian- Lebanese attack.