
 KIEV (AFP) – Ukraine called for the United Nations to review its decision to replace Kiev’s peacekeeping contingent in Lebanon, following findings of "significant financial misconduct  by the troops.  "We will do everything so that the decision to replace the Ukrainian contingent is reviewed," Vassyl Filipchuk, a foreign ministry spokesman, told reporters in Kiev.

Last Friday UN spokeswoman Marie Okabe said that a UN probe "has shown significant financial misconduct by Ukrainian military personnel, including the commanding officer, who served with the mission."She added that the UN had taken steps to replace the Ukrainian unit in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and to prevent the recurrence of such misconduct.

The Ukrainian troops are operating in the zone of southern Lebanon that Israel evacuated in 2,000, where they have been engaged in mine-clearance.

 UNIFIL was set up in March 1978 to accompany a withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon, which did not happen until May 2000.