
CHRONOLOGY-Key events in Lebanon since Hariri’s killing

LONDON, June 2 (Reuters) – Samir Qaseer, a prominent anti-Syrian journalist of An-Nahar newspaper was killed in Beirut on Thursday when a bomb destroyed his car, security sources said.

Here is a chronology of the main events in Lebanon since former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri was killed in February.

Feb. 14, 2005 – Hariri is killed by bomb in Beirut.

Feb. 16 – At least 150,000 Lebanese turn Hariri’s funeral into outpouring of anger against Syria.

Feb. 28 – Prime Minister Omar Karami resigns amid anti-Syrian protests.

March 2 – Opposition demands withdrawal of Syrian troops.

March 5 – President Bashar al-Assad tells the Syrian parliament that troops will start phased pullout from Lebanon.

March 6 – Hizbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah says his fighters will not disarm as Lebanon needs them to deter Israel.

March 7 – Assad and Lebanese President Emile Lahoud, meeting in Damascus, say they respect all Security Council resolutions, including one demanding that foreign forces quit Lebanon.

March 8 – Lebanese flood central Beirut for big pro-Syrian rally organised by Hizbollah. Syrian troops begin redeploying.

March 10 – Lahoud reappoints Karami to form government.

March 14 – Anti-Syrian protesters stage huge demonstration, Lebanon’s biggest since Hariri’s killing.

March 16 – Syrian intelligence agents vacate Beirut HQ.

March 19 – Bomb in Christian suburb of Beirut wounds 11 people.

March 23 – Bomb kills three people in Christian town of Kaslik north of Beirut.

April 13 – Karami resigns again after failing to form cabinet to supervise elections.

April 15 – Lahoud appoints moderate Syrian ally Najib Mikati as prime minister-designate.

April 19 – Najib Mikati forms new government.

April 25 – Pro-Syrian security chief Jamil al-Sayyed resigns.

April 26 – Last Syrian soldiers leave Lebanon.

May 4 – Mikati, on first official visit to Damascus, says Lebanon and Syria want to put relations on right track.

May 7 – Michel Aoun, Maronite Christian and staunch foe of Syria, returns to hero’s welcome after 14 years of exile.

May 15 – Saad al-Hariri, son of assassinated former prime minister, unveils his candidate list for elections.

May 23 – U.N. team verifies withdrawal of Syrian troops.

May 29 – Parliamentary elections take place in Beirut in first of staggered regional polls on four successive Sundays. The candidate list led by Hariri wins all 19 seats in Beirut.

June 2 – Samir Qaseer, a prominent anti- Syrian journalist of An-Nahar newspaper is killed after a bomb destroyed his car in the Ashrafiyeh neighbourhood of Beirut.