
Beirut – During the 33-day Israeli war on Lebanon a number of new names were added to the list of Lebanese detainees still held in Israeli jails. Maher Kourani, 26, from Yater village in Bint Jbeil district, married with a 3-year-old child. Maher’s house and his family’s house were destroyed completely during the conflict. His wife, child and mother live at his brother’s home in the village.

Hussein Sleiman, 22, from Bint Jbeil. Single and lived with his family in the southern suburbs of Beirut. The house was destroyed during bombing which pushed the family to move to another area in Beirut. He was still studying at the Lebanese University. Mohammed Srour, 20, from Aita Shaab village, single and lived with his family whose home was totally destroyed, forcing them to move to their relatives. He was still studying when taken.  Hassan Akeel, 46, from Jebeen village, married and has four children, works in agriculture. He was abducted on August 14, 2006 by Israeli forces two weeks before the ceasefire. Although he has schizophrenia and the Red Cross submitted reports to prove it, the Israelis are still detaining him.

Akeel was released on Monday in a prisoner swap between Israel and Hezbollah, during which the Jewish state also handed over the bodies of two Hezbollah militants for the body of an Israeli civilian.

Khodor Zeidan from Marwaniyyeh village, single and lived with his family in the southern suburbs of Beirut.

Detainees who were held in Israel before the July 2006 war:

Samir Kantar, detained in Israel since April 22, 1979 and sentenced to 542 years in prison. Israel refused to release him during last detainee swap which took place on January 29, 2004.

Naseem Niser, born in Bazorya in south Lebanon in 1967. He has been detained since June 4, 2002 in Telmond prison in Israel, after he was sentenced to 6 years in prison.

Yahia Skaff, from Menya, north Lebanon. He was detained by the Israelis on March 11, 1978.

There are as as many as 40 people who are still missing since the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Their names were handed along with the above list to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to follow up with the Israeli government.