
By Stephen Kaufman, Washington File White House Correspondent, Washington — President Bush welcomed Lebanese member of Parliament Sa

Bush said he and Hariri also discussed the possibility of an international donors conference for Lebanon.

The transcript of Bush’s remarks is on the White House Web site. For additional information on U.S. policies, see Middle East and North Africa.


Following his meeting with the president, Hariri met with Vice President Cheney where he continued discussions on Lebanon and the broader Middle East region.

Speaking afterwards to the press, Hariri said that during his meetings he had received “continuous support” for the investigation into the killing of his father, and had received “semi-approval” for possible U.S. support to the Lebanese military and security forces with equipment and other aid to help protect the country.

Hariri said that during his meetings he had put “strong importance” on strengthening bilateral relations, as well as relations with all countries that had contributed to “the liberation of Lebanon.”

He said Cheney “reaffirmed the president’s points about supporting Lebanon and its just cause for democracy and its just cause for wanting to know the truth about the killing of Prime Minister Hariri, and also the help of the United States for a donors conference.”

The Lebanese parliamentarian said he is working with the international community to set a date for the conference, and has met with the U.N.’s special envoy to the Middle East, James Wolfensohn, as well as representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

“We saw the IMF and the IMF is sending an envoy on the 7th of February to start seriously on this conference,” Hariri said.

(The Washington File is a product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: