
BEIRUT –  Camps of  the 14 March called on President Emile Lahoud to resign by March 14. They called on the president "to resign immediately and will give him until March 14," in a statement issued after the leaders of the majority group held a meeting in Beirut.

On Wednesday, President Lahoud vowed to complete his mandate despite growing pressure to stand down after another massive rally for his slain rival Hariri, in whose February 14, 2005 murder the Syrian intelligence services have been implicated.He "has not and will not give up on his belief in a united Lebanon and will stay on until the last day of his mandate," Lahoud’s office said.

President Lahoud slammed the "incitement" of the anti-Syrian camp that he said was damaging to Beirut’s ties with other Arab states. Their attacks were aimed at "masking rifts" within their own ranks, he said.Under the Lebanese constitution, the president can only be forced to step down for "high treason."