

Social media has revolutionized the business world and has quickly established itself as the primary source of recruitment for companies worldwide, and with good reason – it’s cost-effective, fast and scalable, allowing organizations of all shapes and sizes to source potential hires and easily profile their characters.

Indeed, 92 percent of U.S. companies have used social networks to find new talent, and almost three-quarters (73 percent) of those surveyed have made successful hires through these channels.

As you might expect, LinkedIn leads the way, with 93 percent of socially-savvy employers using this platform for talent acquisition, ahead of Facebook (66 percent) and Twitter (54 percent). Companies listed professional organization membership and charity work as their preferred employee characteristics, with posts and tweets about illegal drugs, sexual activity and profanity being the top three no-nos.

This infographic from Intricate takes a closer look at social media’s effect on employee recruitment.