
Why You Definitely Shouldn’t Take That Start-Up Job


Wall Street Oasis

I’ve always considered myself entrepreneurial at heart. Even since I’ve started my work in IB (investment banking), I have continued to work on developing a few "back pocket" ideas that I’m excited about. Indeed, ever since I can remember, I have wanted to start my own business, not because I hope to be the next Zuckerberg, but because I believe the ability to dictate your own work is more rewarding than any other employment experience out there. It remains my ultimate career goal, and with any luck, I will make it happen some day.

That said, I have to say that the rising fad of "start-ups" in what has been – arguably – a VC bubble has started to trigger my inner skeptic. Don’t get me wrong: I think it’s great that we are increasingly encouraging young people to take career risks and try to create value through entrepreneurship. But I couldn’t help but be suspicious that there were a fair number of people getting the short end of the "start-up" stick, if for no reason other than the fact that the few friends I had that went to work for early- to mid-stage start-ups left their corporate jobs filled with enthusiasm and are now silently trying to break their way back into what we all know collectively as the machine of corporate America.

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Film committee says no to “The Attack”

  After working six years on the script, securing the funding and finally being able to make “The Attack,” Lebanese Director Ziad Doueiri has found his controversial film under attack. After having been selected at the Telluride Film Festival and Toronto International Film Festival, and having won the Special Jury Award at the San Sebastian Film […]

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Emotional Pope says God asked him to retire

  VATICAN CITY—Pope Benedict XVI delivered an emotional last Sunday prayer in St. Peter’s Square, saying God had told him to devote himself to prayer but assuring supporters he would not “abandon” the Church. Tens of thousands of supporters turned out for the historic prayers ahead of the pope’s formal resignation on Thursday, often interrupting […]

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الراعي: اين ضميركم حين يتفشى السلاح غير الشرعي على مساحة الوطن؟

  تمنى البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي أن "يقتدي المسؤولون السياسيون عندنا بضمير قداسة البابا بنديكتوس المهني المسؤول"، سائلا إياهم " هل أنتم حقا قادرون على ممارسة مسؤولياتكم الجسيمة في البلاد"؟  أضاف: "أين ضميركم أيها المسؤولون السياسيون، حين السلاح غير الشرعي، المغطى سياسيا، يتفشى على مساحة الوطن، وسلطة الدولة في تقلص مخيف، حيث […]

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Civil Law and Marriage

  Civil Law and Marriage  As a Catholic I consider  Marriage  as a holy matrimony, a sacrament and contract, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life and a religious institution. They are new suggestions in Lebanon to grant civil Marriage.   In my opinion, for the […]

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What will John Kerry Do About Christian Persecution in China?

WASHINGTON, DC (Catholic Online) – Secretary of State John Kerry chose an interesting place to deliver his first foreign policy address. The former Massachusetts senator spoke at the University of Virginia. He was introduced by the university’s president, Teresa Sullivan. Dr. Sullivan noted that the university’s founder, Thomas Jefferson, had served as the first Secretary of State.
Unlike today’s foreign policy elites, Mr. Jefferson thought religious freedom was fundamental to our political liberties. He authored the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, which he introduced into the state’s General Assembly in 1779. It was a world historical event. When James Madison, Jefferson’s loyal lieutenant, pressed that bill through to adoption in 1786,  Jefferson was serving as this country’s second Minister Plenipotentiary to France. He took pains to have the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom translated into French and circulated widely in Europe. All of this is worth noting because religious freedom is not on the back burner in this administration. It ain’t even in the kitchen.

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